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Writer's pictureCoach Mariam Bennouna

How & When can a Life Coach help me? Situation#6

Hi everyone,

This email is 6th of a series of 8 emails I will send you regarding How and When a Life Coach can help.

So, when should you consider hiring a Life Coach? Well, there are 8 situations that should give you some sort of a red flag that it’s now the right moment. And I’m not trying just to convince you to hire a Life Coach here, I’d like you to be fully aware of what the goal and the result of hiring a Life Coach would have as an impact on your life.

So let’s dive into Situation#6 for today that is about:

You do not seem to be able to focus For example:

· You are starting many projects, but none of them are completed.

· You tend to do many things at the same time and you struggle handling them altogether.

· You have great ideas in your head, but when you want to implement them, you start losing focus.

What should be the GOAL of your life coaching:

1. You want your Life Coach to help you stay tuned with your initial vision/dream, while you define what you really want to implement and cut down on efforts that aren’t helping your project.

2. You want your Life Coach to help you prioritize your projects and set markers that will either show you progress or raise red flags.

What RESULT would you expect from your life coaching:

· You want to be able to transform your vision/ dream into a reality by having clear goals and actionable plans to reach them.

Hope this is useful for you.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the next situation!


- If you want to contact me, please feel free to reach me by WhatsApp on +447484274986

- If you want to book coaching sessions, please book a 15 min free call with me by clicking on the below button.

Sincerely Yours,

Life Coach Mariam

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