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Writer's pictureCoach Mariam Bennouna

How to restore your self-confidence?

Hi everyone,

I's been a while.

Self-confidence is very important for personal development.

Without it, it is very difficult to move forward in your projects, in your life and to be happy.

Indeed, self-confidence is worked on and improved on a daily basis. The process is long but beneficial. Before defining what self-confidence is, let's first look at its difference from self-esteem.

Self-confidence is one of the 4 elements contributing to developing self-esteem:

1. Self-acceptance: Integrating one's qualities and defects

2. The vision of oneself: it is the way one looks at oneself

3. Self-love: Loving yourself unconditionally

4. Self-confidence: Sense of inner security that allows us to undertake

What does it mean to have self-confidence?

To have self-confidence is to believe in one's ability to act effectively. That's why it's hard to act when trust isn't that high. Generally, after one or more deliberate actions that leave us dissatisfied or frustrated, a lack of trust begins to form and reduces our ability to act. It is a vicious circle that can be reversed when we regain confidence in our ability to act.

How to rebuild self-confidence again?

Step 1: Identify your shortcomings will help you better understand your problem(s).

You think you are suffering from a lack of self-confidence, but it can just as easily be a lack of assertiveness of acceptance or self-knowledge. Once your problem has been identified, understood and prioritized, you will move on to step 2

Step 2: Start the change.

This step is essential for the rest of your work on yourself. It will allow you to define your motivation to change what is causing you problems. If you are not motivated by a real motivation, you will not be able to change anything in your life.

Step 3: Take action.

This step will allow you to take action by adopting behaviors that promote this movement.

How to have self-confidence in 5 steps?

To boost self-confidence and reveal the best of yourself, here are some techniques:

Step 1: Believe in your projects and have clear objectives

The first step to gaining confidence is to get things back on track, question yourself deeply and set clear goals:

1. Set a goal for building self-confidence and determine what will make you proud of your actions;

2. Try to imagine and feel the happiness of becoming a confident and satisfied person;

3. Map all your activities, your life and those around you. Try to see what actions you need to take that will help you achieve this goal;

4. Set small goals to move forward step by step. Get rid of what weighs on you.

5. Set short deadlines for each of your actions.

Step 2: Dealing with limiting beliefs

Expressions like "I never get there", "I am a suck man", "I have never been able to get past this point", this is called a limiting belief. It comes from our upbringing, our society, and sometimes the people around us. By fighting this form of self-censorship, we can answer the question of how to have self-confidence. Dealing with these limiting beliefs is hard work. To get there, you have to take small steps and gradually gain self-confidence.

Step 3: To move forward step by step

Strengthening confidence means stepping out of your comfort zone, which is very difficult mentally. The goal is to get rid of your limiting beliefs, but you have to do it skillfully. You can define:

• Set ambitious long-term goals.

• Break that goal into smaller steps.

• Break these steps down into very specific tasks to help you move forward step by step. The goal is not to take too much time or too much trouble to get out of this comfort zone.

Step 4: Go after each success

Now, it takes two more fundamental steps to follow before you say you have self-confidence.

· Personal evaluation is a very important focus. It's impossible to be confident when you're constantly putting yourself down!

· When you try to step out of your comfort zone and take action, you feel like you are empty, like you are such a pity

· Consider it successful.

· Set a small reward each time you fall.

· Congratulate yourself for achieving your goals.

· Say positive and motivating phrases every morning. It will become a reflex after a few weeks!

Step 5: Surround yourself with the right people

Make sure you're always surrounded by the right people, with the skills you need to progress, or people who appreciate and help you, and especially people who don't make judgment.

Humans are by nature social beings. We are strongly influenced by the people around us and we learn a lot through imitation.

Get out of your comfort zone in 21 days:

Here's how to get out of your comfort zone and change your habits in 21 days.

1. Overcoming fear: If you don't want to get out of your comfort zone, it's simply because you're afraid of:

• Change;

• Meeting new people

• Putting yourself at risk. • Changing your habits.

This fear often comes from the unknown that awaits us when we take the plunge. Even if they are perfectly valid, they are only the result of your imagination trying to find solid arguments to justify and stay in your comfort zone.

2. Do something positive for yourself for 21 days:

Science says that doing the same thing over and over again for 21 days alters the neural connections in your brain, which eventually leads you to believe it.

- Start by repeating small things: Don't tell yourself, "I'm the most confident man in the world in public." Instead, say, "I am a person who gains confidence by interacting with others.

- Repeat affirmative sentences and remove the negative: I prefer "I like to take risks" to "I don't want to rest on laurels".

- Say these sentences to yourself first, and then gradually say them out loud.

- Repeat more and more ambitious phrases to yourself as your confidence grows.

- Repetition and routine are also very important to permanently anchor new reflexes in your brain.

3) Take action

Follow these steps to move forward with your habit change plan.

1) Start small. The biggest mistake people make when trying to get out of their comfort zone is setting their goals too high. 2) The power of routine. In addition to working on small challenges and gradually increasing, another aspect to consider is the power of repetition. Repetition repeatedly is essential to developing a skill. Similarly, it is fundamental to maintain the skills acquired. Routines have immense power. By breaking down your goals into small, open-ended tasks, you learn to do big things.

The 8 pillars to work on your self-confidence:

Trust is not innate. We all have doubts and complexes that we want to hide. Because of this, many of us tend to underestimate ourselves compared to others.

You may be afraid to show up, to be challenged, to take the initiative or to achieve your ambitions. If this applies to you, I know you need trust. In order to (finally) see your own qualities, you need to be able to change the way you see yourself. And it's not an easy or quick job.

To reset the counters, today I will talk to you about the 8 pillars of self-confidence. These are ways to build confidence and invite you to work in a way that is kind to yourself and your ability to succeed.

1.Stop comparing yourself to others

2.Understand that you are worth as much as others

3.Stop striving for perfection

4.Surround yourself only with people who want you well

5.No longer afraid of failure

6.Know how to say no

7.Accept that your body is your ally

8.Celebrating all successes, even the smallest

Pillar #1: Stop comparing yourself to others

Comparing yourself to others is probably the most common mistake everyone makes, and it's usually useless. Comparing yourself to someone you admire for some reason is like comparing two unrelated things.

Not everyone is born with the same cards. It's true. We all have different personalities and abilities. And comparing yourself to someone who seems better to you (in your head!) is a bit like denying your own qualities. Consider yourself unique... you are.

Pillar#2: Understand that you are worth as much as others

After losing confidence for a while, it's easy to imagine yourself less valuable than others.

Never try to impose your own ideas or personality, so always put the well-being of others before your own.

Know that your emotions and desires are as precious as those of others. Don't be afraid to assert your individuality and do what you think is most appropriate for you. Being confident also means knowing that you are important!

Pillar#3: Stop striving for perfection

Striving for perfection is a bit counterproductive. When we want to achieve our ideals, we forget all the small successes along the way. It then becomes impossible to open up and share with others. Also, perfection is very subjective, so other people may not have the same view of perfection as you.

Achieving perfection takes time and energy. And when you reach the top, you always feel like you haven't put in enough effort. Therefore:

We relax and realize that things can be as they are, with all their imperfections.

Pillar#4: Surround yourself only with people who want you well

When it comes to self-confidence, the entourage plays a big role. 24/7, when someone tells you you're not good enough, you believe them. It is the power of those who want to humiliate or shoot you.

Pillar #5: No longer afraid of failure

Surround yourself only with people who know you well and make you happy. Friends and relatives who love you for all your traits and flaws and who can give you sincere advice when you need it.

Pillar #6: Know how to say no

The fear of failure often comes back when you feel like you can't do things. I'm afraid of making mistakes because I think it hurts my self-esteem. However, sometimes you have to realize that failure is an integral part of life and know how to let go.

Basically, this is not a failure in itself. These are all lessons you can learn to grow and overcome your next challenge. Tell yourself that every successful person has overcome many failures to get to where they are today. Why not you?

Pillar #7: Accept that your body is your ally

Confidence also includes assertiveness. And saying no doesn't mean being aggressive. You can easily express your desires and feelings without fear of being misunderstood or looked at by others.

For example, you have the right to refuse service or do something you don't like. If the other person doesn't understand, you don't have a problem.

Pillar #8: Celebrating all successes, even the smallest

This is probably the most difficult step, but you need to understand that your body is not necessarily the enemy you imagine it to be. Isn't it worth listening to him and reconciling?

Instead of systematically pointing out the flaws, also learn to look for their qualities (yes, even if you have a very bad image of them) It must be understood that taking the time to reconnect with your body will help you move forward.

6 games to play with children to help them develop their self-confidence:

Self-confidence is very important for the personal development of your children.

Try the following 6 games to help them build confidence from a young age.

1. The first small step towards success:

Instructions are:

  • Imagine something you dream of achieving.

  • Think about the first small step to take to engage in the process of success.

  • Think about the 2nd small step, then the 3rd, until you get to your victory.

  • Express how you feel after this exercise.

2. Once someone you love has said words of encouragement to you :

Instructions are:

  • Remember a recent situation in which someone you love said words of encouragement to you.

  • Close your eyes as long as possible and remember every second of that moment and every pleasant feeling, as if you were reliving it a 2nd time.

  • When you open your eyes, express how you feel after this exercise.

3. In the shoes of your hero:

Instructions are:

  • Imagine yourself in the shoes of a person you admire (hero / heroine, sportsman, artist...).

  • Close your eyes and imagine that you are that person.

  • Live the moment of glory for which you admire him. React like this person reacted naturally.

  • When you open your eyes, express how you feel after this exercise.

4. Appreciate your qualities:

Instructions are:

  • List 8 of your qualities.

  • Shout them on different pieces of paper, put them in a box and mix them up.Ask your friends/family to take 1 piece of paper at random.

  • Ask them to read the quality and tell you how that quality makes you unique.

  • When you finish, express how you feel after this exercise.

5. The latest success :

Instructions are:

  • Remember your last achievement or pride (big or small)

  • Close your eyes as long as possible and remember every second of that moment and every pleasant feeling, as if you were reliving it a 2nd time.

  • When you open your eyes, express how you feel after this exercise.

6. The posture of trust:

Instructions are:

Practice adopting the posture of trust:

  • Stand up

  • Slightlyapart

  • Tbe raised,

  • Eshoulders back

  • Mains on hips or crossed

  • Look at people in the eyes

  • Smile.

Express how you feel after this exercise.

This is the end of this article. I hope you liked it...

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