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Writer's pictureCoach Mariam Bennouna

How & When can a Life Coach help me? Situation#1

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

Hi everyone,

This email is 1 of a series of 8 emails I will send you regarding How and When a Life Coach can help.

In today’s article, I want to shed some light on the key moments where you need a Life Coach. I’m not saying that because I’m a Life Coach, but because we all go through these key moments sooner or later in our lives. Some of us rely on ourselves to find solutions, some of us seek advice from close family or friends, and some hire a Life Coach to be sure to be given the most authentic and neutral feedback. And believe me, when a Life Coach deals with someone who is going through a difficult situation, that he himself went through, it makes the coach’s task more complex because he has to remain neutral and avoid mixing his feelings with those of his clients.

So, when should you consider hiring a Life Coach? Well, there are 8 situations that should give you some sort of a red flag that it’s now the right moment. And I’m not trying just to convince you to hire a Life Coach here, I’d like you to be fully aware of what the goal and the result of hiring a Life Coach would have as an impact on your life.

So let’s dive into Situation#1 for today that is about: You feel lost For example:

· After so many years of being dedicated to your employer/ job position, here comes the time when you suddenly can’t bare going to the office anymore.

· You may have worked for years to get the promotion you desired, but your management decided not to give it to you for some reasons, and you feel disgusted.

· You’ve been doing the same things for a long time, and now, you just feel unsure that these things are not what is fulfilling your life.

What should be the GOAL of your life coaching:

1. You want your Life Coach to put you back on track regarding your priorities and where you should focus on first, then next, then later.

2. You want your Life Coach to help you clarify your values so you can set meaningful goals for yourself and create an actionable plan.

3. You want your Life Coach to help you achieve progress in the areas of your life that matter the most.

What RESULT would you expect from your life coaching:

· You want to feel you are driving your life, rather than you are driven by life.

· You want to have a clear pathway of what steps are ahead of you for the next years.

· You want to have the peace of mind about where you are going, why you are going there and by what means you are going.

Hope this is useful for you.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the next situation!


- If you want to contact me, please feel free to reach me by WhatsApp on +447484274986

- If you want to book coaching sessions, please book a 15 min free call with me by clicking on the below button.


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I help people achieve their goals and live their best lives. Whether you're looking for help with career, relationships, or personal development, I can provide the support and guidance you need to succeed. I also offer specialized coaching for young people with Parkinson disease, helping them to manage their symptoms and live full and active lives. My approach is personalized and supportive, and I'm committed to helping you reach your full potential.

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