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Writer's pictureCoach Mariam Bennouna

How to overcome your limiting beliefs?

Transformational life coaching

Mariam Bennouna, Certified Master Life Coach
Mariam Bennouna, Certified Master Life Coach

A limiting belief is a mindset or belief about yourself that is holding you back in some way. Everyone develops limiting beliefs, but learning to identify them can help you fight these misconceptions upstream.

Today, I want to explain the consequences of limiting beliefs at all levels in your life, as well as as the strategies for overcoming them.

Here is the agenda:

  • What's a limiting belief?

  • 3 categories of limiting beliefs

  • Origins of limiting beliefs

  • How do you get blocked by a limiting belief?

  • How to identify your limiting beliefs

  • How to overcome your limiting beliefs

  • Tips and conclusion

What is it?

  • It's a negative thought or belief that holds you back from achieving your goals.

  • It's a belief that you're not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough to succeed.

  • It can be based on past experiences, negative self-talk, or the opinions of others.

Have you ever said to yourself?

  • I'm not good enough.

  • I'm not smart enough.

  • I'm not capable enough.

  • I'm not worthy of success.

  • I'm not lucky enough.

  • I'm not born to do this.

Is there an ''unlimiting'' belief?

Yes, as there are limiting beliefs that hold us back from progressing, there are also ''supporting'' beliefs, which help us move forward, motivate and encourage us.

Limiting beliefs and Unlimiting beliefs
Limiting beliefs and Unlimiting beliefs

Our focus today is on the''limiting'' beliefs!

3 catégories de croyances limitantes

  1. Despair

  2. Impotence

  3. Abscence of value

So, what to do about them?

Every human being experience these kinds of thoughts almost daily, even the most successful ones.

The solution is to learn to identify limiting beliefs in order to overcome them.

But before identifying them, let's look at their origins?

  • Whatever the origin of a limiting belief is, the main reason it exists is that your brain tries to preventively protect youfrom pain.

  • Limiting beliefs come from 4 main backgrounds:

  1. Our Culture

  2. Our Fears

  3. The Imposter syndrome

  4. Our past experiences

How do you get blocked by a limiting belief?

How to manage your ''limiting'' beliefs?

Step 1: Identify the limiting belief

Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings.

  • Write them down on paper.

  • When you're feeling stuck or discouraged, what are you telling yourself?

  • Are you making negative statements about yourself or your abilities?

Step 2: Question yourself

Ask yourself some critical questions.

  • Are you avoiding certain situations or activities because you're afraid of failing?

  • Are you setting yourself up for failure by setting unrealistic goals?

Step 3: Verify your toughts

Check the accuracy of your thoughts.

  • Analyze whether or not your beliefs come from a reliable source and that there is concrete evidence to support them

  • Am I 100% certain that this belief has ALWAYS been valid?

  • Has there ever been an exception?

Step 4: Turn positive

Use positive affirmations

  • Remember that the brain gets used to change with repetition.

  • Eliminate your negative thoughts by making/saying positive affirmations every day.

Step 5: Believe in your new thought


  • Find a minimum of :

    • 5 good reasons that make your new thought true, or

    • 5 benefits that will make you better with this new thought.

As a summary:

  • We are not always aware of our own limiting beliefs.

  • These beliefs are necessary for us to ensure the coherence of our vision of the world

  • Many of our beliefs are helpful (facilitate decision-making, motivational levers)

  • Limiting beliefs are the result of our experiences, and represent significant obstacles to carrying out our achievements.

If you are struggling with a limiting belief, I would be happy to schedule a free consultation call with you. During our consultation, we can discuss what it is and how it is limiting you, as well as define strategies to help you overcome it in order for you to progress towards forward.

You can contact me via WhatsApp on +44 7 484 274 986 or directly through my website by clicking here.

Sincerely yours,

Mariam Bennouna

Certified Master Coach by the International Coaching Institute


Want to discover and overcome a limiting belief?

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Soukaina Mgadri

London, UK

"Mariam has coached me for about six weeks. From the first session, she has been highly professional and helped me better understand my priorities and what I would like to achieve personally and professionally. In addition, she helped me to build a disciplinary action list to keep me motivated and help me achieve my goals. Thanks to Mariam's coaching, I am happy about what I have achieved and the awareness I developed during this short time."

Rachid Alaoui

Casablanca, Morocco

Estebane Saldana

Florida, US

Needa Shafi

London, UK

Sarah Mansfield

London, UK


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