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Women Speaking at Seminar

Speaking in public

You are here because it seems like you want to improve your speaking in public skills.

You are in the right place with the right coach!

Who hasn't experienced the fear of speaking in public in their life?


We have all experienced this horrible moment when we feel that all the eyes of the audience are riveted on us. We have all felt the fear, the hot flashes, the knot in the stomach, the lump in the throat and the heartbeat racing!

To avoid the gaze of the audience, we all avoid making eye contact with members of the public.

Therein lies the problem!

While avoiding direct eye contact may seem like an effective strategy for coping with talking anxiety, it makes you even more nervous.

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To understand why we avoid the gaze of the audience, we must know the origin of this fear! Have a look at this picture.
  • The bad news is that our brains have transferred that old fear of being watched to public speaking.

    • Public speaking anxiety is in our DNA.

    • We react physiologically and physically the same way the body would react to physical signs of danger (shortness of breath, facial flushing, tremors).

    • This is called ''glossophobia''.
The origins of the fear of Speaking in public

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What is ''Glossophobia''?
  • "Glossophobia'' or ''Speech anxiety" is a common phobia that can impair public speaking abilities while dealing with small groups of people in a social setting.

  • 75% of humans have a phobia of public speaking.

  • Common signs:

    • dry mouth

    • sweaty palms

    • high heart rate

    • not to be confused with lack of skill or intelligence.

Can we get rid of ''Glossophobia''?
  • Like all phobias, it cannot be eliminated, but it can be managed and reduced!

  • The best way to start managing/reducing it is to practice your performance in front of a mirror at home. Think about what could go wrong and practice finding solutions to those problems.

  • So even if you find yourself in a very difficult position, you will have the self-confidence that comes from knowing that you have already been through every scenario imaginable and that you are ready to face whatever comes your way.

You are here because it seems like you are considering changing job/career.

How to master speaking in public?

Effective presenters engage and entertain their audience in order to create a strong connection with them. To achieve this, they prepare their speeches well in advance.

Nothing is left to chance!

Let's take a look at the 5 steps to successful public speaking.

1. Planning: - One of the most critical aspects of a presentation is planning. - Think about the duration of the presentation, the number of participants, the objectives, the topics, the time required per subject, the time for practice and delivery, the materials needed, where to rent the seminar space, etc. - You have nowhere to go if you don't have plans.

2. Getting prepared: - Preparation includes knowing your audience and how to communicate effectively with them. - Answer questions such as "Who are my audiences?" “What interests them? and "What do they want to learn from the presentation?" will lead you to a lively and interesting discussion. - Find an approach that will help them remember discussion topics. Use visual aids, catchy remarks and group activities.

3. Practicing: - If you don't practice, it doesn't matter how colorful the images are in your presentations or how detailed the data is, everything will fall flat. - Before facing your audience, practice your voice, hand gestures, posture, facial expressions, body movements, and timing. - Practice in front of a mirror or in front of a camera, at home, at work, alone or with friends. - Get feedback from your peers, colleagues, or mentors, then focus on areas that need improvement.

4. Perform: - Presenting is more than just clicking to the next slide and reciting. It’s about establishing and maintaining a connection with the audience, as well as responding to situations and ideas. - Everything you have practiced will come to fruition, including eye contact, face and body projection, etc. Subject matter expertise aside, voice is important at this stage.

You are here because it seems like you are considering changing job/career.

5. Use the power of your voice: - 1. Loudness refers to the volume of your voice. You don't have to shout to be heard. Low volume can distract and annoy your listeners. - 2. The pause allows your listeners to understand and absorb your message. - 3. Pronunciation - Deliver your message clearly. A mispronounced word could mean a completely different word. - 4. Pitch and tempo - Saying words with an appropriate pace can help emphasize crucial points, establish drama, and build excitement. - Pitch and tone define the emotional feel of the presentation. Controlling it will save you from looking boring and monotonous. - A faster speed and higher pitch indicate eagerness, while a slower pace and lower pitch indicate seriousness.

5 techniques to calm your nerves before a presentation

​1. Stay hydrated throughout long speeches:

  • A water bottle can be used by comedians and other entertainers as a basic tool for their act or presentation.

  • You can use the bottle as a reminder to take a break. Drinking water will also help you control your breathing during a presentation.

  • Plus, the water will relieve your dry mouth symptoms while keeping you cool and hydrated when you sweat from the heat of the stage lights.

​2. Create strategies to connect with your audience:

  • Use the “leadership gaze,” which involves holding prolonged eye contact with a single audience member during a thought.

  • To connect with distant audiences, focus on different parts of the audience and remember the upper floors of a theater.

  • Individuals can be hard to notice if you're facing darker audiences and bright stage lighting, but you can always mimic focus to get the effect you want

You are here because it seems like you are considering changing job/career.

​3. Give a big presentation in front of a mirror:

  • Seeing yourself perform in a mirror or in front of a camera can allow you to refine any flaws in your presentation.

  • Before you go on stage or face your audience, remember that you are your toughest critic and build your self-confidence with words of affirmation, constructive self-talk and positive ideas.

  • You can also ask a trusted friend or family member to watch your presentation and provide helpful reviews.

​4. Improve your body language by stretching :

  • Taking up space in a room or on a stage is one of the most effective methods of projecting confidence.

  • Before you go on stage or engage in any other kind of public speaking, extend your arms to both sides of your body and reach for the sky.

  • This practice will automatically improve your posture, confidence, and overall appearance.

  • You can also use hand gestures to emphasize key parts of your speech and control volume to hold your audience's attention.

​5. Take several deep breathes:

  • When the body's innate fight or flight systems are activated, it releases significant amounts of adrenaline and endorphins.

  • Controlled breathing exercises can help calm your heart rate and modulate these chemicals, which can help reduce your body's fight or flight response.

  • Diaphragmatic breathing, often known as abdominal breathing, can improve the sound and volume control of your voice.

Not sure yet about how to improve your speaking in public skills?

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