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Writer's pictureCoach Mariam Bennouna

Improve your stress management skills efficiently

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

From the rapid speed of our everyday activities to the never-ending stream of information and expectations, stress is fully installed in our lifes.

Stress sometimes is a good motivator that push us to succeed. However, excessive ongoing stress results in many physical and mental health problems.

In this book, we'll look at what stress management is and how it affects our health, and the different coping strategies to keep the right dose that you need.

What is stress?

  • Stress is a physical, mental, and emotional response to any challenging situation. It's sometimes positive & motivating, like during a competition, or when you have an important deadline. It can give you strength and speed to get out of a dangerous situation.

  • It can be a response to a traumatic event or a significant life change.

How does stress occur?

  • Our brain release chemicals such as adrenaline and cortisol, when we are under stress.

  • These hormones are intended to raise our heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels in order to assist us cope with stressful conditions, called the Fight or Flight response.

Stress-related hormones:

  • Adrenalin: a chemical released by adrenal glands in response to a brain signal indicating the presence of a stressful scenario.

  • Cortisol: the primary stress hormone that reduces functions that would be nonessential or harmful in a fight-or-flight situation.

Fight or Flight Response:

It's the physiological response that takes place when you face anything physically or cognitively alarming/ threatening. It happens when the brain releases the stress-related hormones that get your body ready to either:

  • Stay and deal with the threat (FIGHT MODE) or

  • Flee to safety causes this reaction (FLIGHT MODE).

Stress management

Stress management is a general term regrouping many methods and approaches for reducing stress. Your body enters the "fight or flight" mode when you are under stress, which can cause a variety of physical and psychological symptoms, including headaches, tense muscles, anxiety, and depression.

The importance of stress management

1. It improves your physical and mental health:

Unhealthy habits like smoking, consuming alcohol, and overeating can be brought on by stress. Your entire health can be improved and these bad behaviours can be broken with the aid of stress management.

2. It can help you to improve your performance at work/ school:

Focusing and concentrating might be challenging when you're under stress. You can calm your thoughts and concentrate on the task at hand by practising stress management. This may result in better work and academic performance.

3. It can help you to improve your relationships with others:

Stress might make you more agitated and irritated with other people. You may better control your emotions and your interactions with others by practising stress management.

Types of stress:

There are 2 main types of stress.

  • Eustress: which is positive stress

  • Distress: which is negative stress


You might experience it before giving a performance in front of others, before a test, or right after a disagreement. The causes of eustress only influence the body's stress hormone levels for a brief period of time. This stress is essential for normal development because it trains the brain how to react appropriately to stress.



Events like the death of a friend or member of the family or the end of a relationship can result in acute stress (episodic stress). Stress brought on by these circumstances might alter the brain negatively if it is not adequately managed. However, if you are in a supportive environment with constructive interactions with others, you may handle this stress.


It's the most destructive and long-lasting type of stress (toxic stress). Stress factors include physical or mental abuse, bullying, neglect, and addiction are the main causes. Chronic physical and mental health problems (Alzeihmer, Dementia...) can result from chronic stress.

Stress effects on health:

Our general health can be severely harmed by unmanaged stress.

Physically, it may result in a compromised immune system, elevated blood pressure, heart disease, digestive disorders, and chronic discomfort.

Mentally, it can exacerbate mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and difficulties focusing.

Socially, it can also harm our relationships, reduce our productivity, and diminish our level of general happiness.

Stress management strategies:

1. Identify your stressors

  • You need to find out what is generating your stress.

  • Keeping a stress journal can help you pinpoint patterns and triggers, allowing you to address them more effectively.


2. Change your thinking


3. Take breaks


4. Exercise regularly


5. Sleep well


6. Eat healthy


7. Spend time with loved ones


8. Learning relaxation techniques


Quick summary

Although stress is a natural part of life, it is crucial to successfully handle it. In order to manage stress, a variety of methods and approaches can be applied. The best way to figure out what works for you is to try out various methods and see which ones make you feel less stressed.

If you struggle finding with acute or chronic stress, don't worry, you can improve your stress management skills. I would be happy to offer you a free consultation call. During our consultation, we can discuss your specific work/life challenges, explore options and agree on working together on supporting you inovercoming that stress that is overwhelming you..

You can contact me via WhatsApp on +44 7 484 274 986 or directly through my website by clicking here.

Sincerely yours,

Mariam Bennouna

Master Life Coach Certified by the International Coaching Institute of Geneva


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Thanks Anthony! Much appreciated!

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Nice very well written

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